Analysis of the economy sectors during the pandemic under the stock exchange perspective




Financial Market. Stock Exchange. Circuit Breaker. Covid-19


This article aims to identify the sectors of the economy that most stood out in the midst of the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, a disease caused by the Sars-Cov-2 virus that has implications for the respiratory system. An analysis of the variation in the prices of shares of companies listed on the São Paulo stock exchange, B3 was carried out. The variations of 193 companies in the period from January 2016 to December 2020 were analyzed and the segments with the highest number of companies that obtained the highest valuations were selected. The initial period of analysis of this work was determined with the intention of having a wide period of analysis and not being totally susceptible to the beginning of rumors of the disease's severity and later materializing as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, leading to the index Ibovespa from 120 thousand to 66 thousand points, the same level seen only in August 2017. The analysis of variations was based on material extracted from B3 and consolidated by sector and subsector, using the profitability of quotations between the beginning and the end of the period analyzed, as well as variations in the midst of the pandemic. Considering the data analyzed, it was possible to identify that the Basic Materials segment stood out among all others analyzed in the indicated period with a positive variation of 159.51%, in addition to a positive variation of 50.21% between the second quarter of 2020 and the fourth quarter of 2020. Another important information extracted from the analysis is the presentation of the positive variation of the Agriculture subsector, being the only subsector that obtained a positive result during the announcement of a pandemic situation in the world, with a positive variation of 6.11 % between the first quarter of 2020 and the second quarter of 2020.


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Author Biographies

Marcos Vinicius Medeiros, Fatec Osasco

Bacharel em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade São Judas e  tecnólogo em Gestão Financeira pela Fatec Osasco.

Larissa Ribeiro Murakami, Fatec Osasco

Engenheira Civil pela Faculdade de Engenharia São Paulo e tecnóloga em Gestão Financeira pela Fatec Osasco.

Fernando de Almeida Santos, PUC-SP e FATEC_Osasco

Professor do Mestrado Profissional em Ciências Contábeis Controladoria e Finanças da PUC-SP e professor da FATEC Osasco.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, M. V., Murakami, L. R., & Santos, F. de A. (2024). Analysis of the economy sectors during the pandemic under the stock exchange perspective. Refas - Revista Fatec Zona Sul, 10(3), 59–70.



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