


Initial settings.

Typing in Word (DOCx). Times New Roman font, size 12, A4, justified, without paragraph indentation, spacing 0 before and 6 after, single column, and single spacing between lines. Bottom and right margin of 2.0 cm. Left and top margin of 3.0 cm.


Page number and extension.

Right, above, size 10. Starting with number 1. Do not appear on the first page. From 12 to 25 pages of content.



All capitalized, centralized, bold, font 14, in Portuguese and English.


Author  names (maximum four).

In sequence, centralized and size 11. At the bottom: qualification, affiliation, URL Lattes (if registered), OrcId number and e-mail, in size 10.


ABSTRACT (in English)

Capital. Single paragraph. Size 11, single spacing and bold topics.

This article...

Keywords: Technology. Logistics. Business.

Minimum of three words, from the broadest to the most specific, separated by a period and beginning with a capital letter. Preferably they should also not appear in the title.

RESUMO (in Portuguese)

Este artigo...

Palavras-chave: Tecnologia. Logística. Negócio.

RESUMEN (in Spanish)

Este artículo...

Palabras clave: Tecnología. Logística. Negocio.



Capitalized, bold and size 12. Two blank lines before and one blank line afterwards (valid for the other sections). Aligned to the left and without a period between the numbering and the title. In the text, indent of 1.25 cm (one tab) for each new paragraph (valid throughout the article).



Tab indentation, identification by letters. End of each line with a semicolon and end of the last line with a period.

a) A ...;

b) One ...;

c) ... .

 Expected content.

Contextualization, justification, problem, objectives, delimitations, hypotheses (if pertinent) and summary of the method.



First part of Development, which should contain the theorists and the main concepts that will support the article and also, will serve as a basis for the analysis of results and discussions. Left alignment, no period between numbering and title.

If necessary, secondary sections should be written in bold, lowercase. A blank line before, without a blank line after. Left alignment, no period between numbering and title (valid for all other sections).

2.1 Information systems



You must inform the details of how the research was carried out, its nature, classification, limitations and procedures, which vary according to the type of research chosen.



The Results obtained with the research corresponding to the central question stated in the Introduction. Presentation in the form of inductions, deductions, dialectical and conclusive relations from content analysis, discourse analysis, etc. or according to the nature of the research; and also adding tables, graphs or other illustrations.

The Discussion on the results, regardless of the nature of the research, must be carried out based on the Theoretical Reference used and correspond to the problem and the objectives defined in the research.



Synthesizes the answers to the central research question.

The text should:

a) evidence, conclusively, the results obtained based on the problem, objectives and hypotheses (if applicable) proposed and presented in the introduction of the article;

b) state what is expected to contribute to the research;

c) If desired, propose suggestions for future research.



This section is understood as the standardized set of descriptive elements, taken from a document, which allows its individual identification. Left alignment.



Used as needed. Written as subsections.

7.1 Glossary

7.2 Appendices (prepared by the author)

7.3 Attachments

7.4 Others


General rules.

a) Writing in the 3rd person, impersonal. Objective language, without expressions such as: "I think", "it seems to me", "we can", which give rise to simple interpretations and without scientific value.

b) The illustrations are used to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of information. Whatever the type of illustration, its identification (sequential, size 11) must appear at the top, preceded by the designative word (drawing, scheme, flowchart, photograph, graph, map, organization chart, plan, picture, portrait, figure, image , among others), followed by its order number in the text, in Arabic numerals, dash and the respective title. At the bottom, indicate the source consulted (mandatory element, even if it is the author's own production), caption, notes and other information necessary for your understanding (if any). The font must be smaller than the text (size 11). The illustration should be cited in the text and inserted as close as possible to the passage to which it refers.

c) Tables are defined as non-discursive ways of presenting information, of which the numerical data stands out as central information. They must be identified sequentially, font size 11. A table, in addition to the identification (above), must present the data in a summarized and safe way, offering an overview of the behavior of the phenomenon. It consists of the following elements: (a) Title; (b) Header; (c) Body; (d) Font (below, size 11).

It is recommended that a table is drawn up so that it is presented on a single page. The table must be cited in the text and inserted as close as possible to the passage to which it refers. Lines should not be placed on the right side, on the left side of tables or horizons, except the one (s) that separate the header (s) and the end.

d) Equations and formulas are highlighted in the text, in order to facilitate their reading. They must be centralized. Their numbering starts from the number 1, in parentheses, preferably on the right side of the page. They must be cited in the text and inserted as close as possible to the passage to which they refer.

e)         Citations:

(a) Citation - Mention of information extracted from another source;

(b) Citation citation - Direct or indirect citation of a text in which the original was not accessed (use of cited by or apud);

(c) Direct quote - Textual transcription of part of the consulted author's work and placed in quotation marks (up to three lines);

(d) Indirect quote - Text based on the consulted author's work;

(e) Reference notes - Notes that indicate sources consulted or refer to other parts of the work where the subject was addressed;

(f) Footnotes - Indications, observations or additions to the text made by the author, translator or editor, and may also appear in the left or right margin of the graphic spot (not used when the author-date technique is used);

(g) Explanatory notes - Notes used for comments, clarifications or explanations, which cannot be included in the text.


f) Direct quotes with more than three lines, should be highlighted by four cm of the paragraph. The font must be smaller than the text (11). Spacing between lines should be simple, without quotes. The author's name is cited at the end, in capital letters, followed by the year of publication and page.

g) References are presented in alphabetical order by author and aligned only to the left margin. When choosing the abbreviation in the names of the authors, this criterion must be followed by all references.

h) The articles, after the initial verifications regarding the submission rules, will be sent to two reviewers using the double blind method. The rejection, acceptance with changes or acceptance will be duly communicated to the authors, who in the second case must make the requested changes.



Reference title in bold.


HAWKING, S. W. Uma breve história do tempo. 30. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Rocco, 2002.

Two or three authors, separated by; (semicolon). More than three authors indicate only the first author, adding the Latin expression et al.

Publication on the Internet:

GLEISER, M. Buracos negros. 2007. Available at videos/nosso-mundo-com-marcelo-gleiser-astrofisica-buracos-negros/. Accessed in 01/11/2018.

Digital publication:

DARWIN, C. A origem das espécies. e-book. Porto: Lello & Irmão Editores, 2003.


KHALIL, K. A. A empregabilidade do engenheiro no setor econômico-financeiro: perfil psicológico, qualificação e certificação profissional Anbima. Available at Accessed in 03/19/2019.

Book chapter, part:

GIORDANO, C. V. O desempenho dos projetos por meio de indicadores. In: TREFF, L.; BATTISTELA, L. R. (Org.). Inovação em Gestão de Projetos na Administração Pública. Rio de Janeiro: Brasport, 2013. p. 59-65.


SELMA, L. C. Administrando estoques: como obter melhores resultados em uma distribuidora de resinas plásticas. Refas – Revista Fatec Zona Sul, São Paulo, v. 2, n. 2, p. 1-20, february, 2016.

Academic work:

MENINO, S. E. Formação tecnológica para a sociedade do conhecimento. Dissertation (Master) – Master in Technology, Centro Paula Souza, São Paulo, 2004.


Conditions for submissions

As part of the submission process, authors must verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

a) The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

b) The submission file is in Microsoft Word format.

c) URLs for the references were informed when possible.

d) The text is in single space; uses a 12 point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except in URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of appendices or attachments.

e) The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Submission, on the About the Journal page.

f) In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (example: articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.

g) There will be no charge to authors for submission, opinions, processing and publications.

h) The same author will have his consecutive works published with a difference of at least one year.

i) In the submitted works, you must be listed as one of the professional authors of the teaching area or researcher with at least the Master's degree.

j) Articles or reviews with up to four authors will be accepted for evaluation.

k) The articles and reviews submitted will be processed by specific software for detecting plagiarism.

l) OrcIds and URLs (Lattes) of the authors informed in the proper fields, at the time of submission.

m) In addition to submissions that adopt the ABNT rules, from 2021 onwards, submissions that adopt the APA rules are accepted.



Refas. Committee of publications and editors. 2021.

ABNT. Standard 6022: 2018. Published on 05/16/2018.