Hotel occupation management: Staybridge Hotel case


  • Carolina Teodoro Macieira de Sousa Fatec Zona Sul.
  • Jennifer de Lima Silva Fatec Zona Sul.
  • Marco Antonio Dias



This article discusses the hotel management, more specifically in the administration of the occupation. The aim of this paper is to analyze the hotel guest occupation, at this time of crisis, and how the tools and strategy can help in this phase. The region chosen was the capital of São Paulo. The methodology applied on this study was based on fundamental concepts of hospitality and its vision in Brazil, to support this theme a case study of the Hotel Staybridge was highlighted. The study about the tools used in the hotel industry and it’s contributions for the management of this sector, especially Revenue Management. Finally, it was made also a connection between the tools and the strategy applied by the hotel related to guest occupation management. The results show that the economic factors have direct impact on the occupancy related to guest occupation, so the management by use of the Revenue Management technique is not successful alone; It only works with the other presented tools and strategies practices.


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Como Citar

Sousa, C. T. M. de, Silva, J. de L., & Dias, M. A. (2019). Hotel occupation management: Staybridge Hotel case. Refas - Revista Fatec Zona Sul, 6(1), 1–10.



