National solid waste policy in the brazilian business context

Case study of company xyz



Consumer electronics waste, PNRS, Reverse Logistics, Circular Economy


This study investigaste the implementation of Theo National Solid Waste Polley (PNRS) in a company located in Sorocaba, São Paulo, temporarily named XYZ. Using a case study approach, the research aims to understand how XYZ has adapted to the principles and guidelines established by the PNRS, analyzing its solid waste management practices. The methodology adopted included a literature review on the subject, followed by a documentary analysis of XYZ's Sustainability Report and the application of the case method. The results revealed that XYZ faced initial challenges, such as waste classification issues and infrastructure adaptation, but showed resilience and determination in overcoming these obstacles. In addition, the company has made significant efforts to develop innovative financial approaches, seeking not only to reduce the costs associated with compliance with the PNRS, but also to generate economic benefits in line with the principles of the circular economy and corporate sustainability. XYZ's commitment to the PNRS stands out, representing an example of how organizations can not only comply, but actively embrace the principles and objectives of this policy.


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Biografia do Autor

Fernando Rodrigo Souza, Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio

Engenheiro de Produção formado pelo Centro Universitário Nossa Senhora do Patrocínio.

Roque Ribeiro Junior, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Professor nas Áreas de Engenharias / Tecnologias de Manufatura e Sistemas de Gestão. Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas.


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Como Citar

Souza, F. R., & Ribeiro Junior, R. (2024). National solid waste policy in the brazilian business context: Case study of company xyz. Refas - Revista Fatec Zona Sul, 10(5), 1–15. Recuperado de



