The challenges of the female executive career
Executive Career, Women, Female LeadershipResumo
This work has aimed to assimilate the obstacles faced by women to achieve success in their professional careers. To achieve this aim, at first, a literature review was carried out with the themes of women working in medium and large companies, female leadership, gender inequality, the division between personal and professional life, and double working hours, enabling the bases of theoretical frameworks for research. Then, the empirical data were gathered from qualitative research through interviews with a semi-structured script. Based on these data, a content analysis was carried out based on the theoretical review and the results of the interviews, and, subsequently, an interpretative assessment based on the reports of the interviewees. Through this analysis, traits that interfere with and assist the female executive career were observed. Behavioral factors linked to organizational guidelines (e.g., machismo) were identified, and that there is still an apparent arduous path for women to reach higher positions in organizations. Another issue encountered is the issue of double working day.
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