Riscos de acidentes com trabalhadores nas operações de armazéns para celulose no Porto de Santos





Exportação de Celulose, Acidentes, Empilhadeira, Pedestre, Porto


Brazil has the second largest world production of cellulose and accounts for 15.6% of world exports, therefore the export process is subject to various risks in operations that can cause accidents to workers. The objective of the study is to identify the risks in the pulp export logistics operations that can contribute to the occurrence of accidents among the collaborators. Through a field study in a pulp terminal in Porto de Santos, which is the largest cellulose exporter port in Brazil, the functions, activities and critical points that contribute to the occurrence of accidents during unloading operations were observed. and cellulose storage.


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Author Biographies

Acácio Pereira de Macêdo Neto, UNIP

Mestrando em Engenharia de Produção.

João Gilberto Mendes dos Reis Reis, UNIP.

Professor no programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia da Produção.


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How to Cite

Macêdo Neto, A. P. de, & Reis, J. G. M. dos R. (2023). Riscos de acidentes com trabalhadores nas operações de armazéns para celulose no Porto de Santos. Refas - Revista Fatec Zona Sul, 9(4), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.26853/Refas_ISSN-2359-182X_v09n04_01



